The Congress is structured as follows
- CHISA 2018 – General topics of chemical and process engineering
- CHISA 2018 – Specialised symposia
- PRES 2018 – 21st Conference on process integration, modelling and optimisation for energy saving and pollution reduction
- Exhibition MARCHES 2018
- EFCE WP Meetings and other agenda
The program covers invited plenary lectures and keynote lectures, parallel lecture sessions, and poster sessions. Some symposia will be co-organised with the corresponding EFCE Working Parties and/or other recognised international bodies. The possibility to arrange short courses (mainly after the Congress) is offered. Anyone interested in arranging such a course (refresher) should contact the Organising Committee; the courses will then be announced in the second circular. For these courses it will be possible to publish lecture notes (with ISBN number).
Original contributions, process applications, case studies, state-of-the-art papers and commercial information on the following subjects are invited.
- Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics (reactors and transport phenomena, catalysis and particles, reforming and FT, kinetics, petrochemistry)
- Distillation and absorption
- Extraction and leaching
- Membrane separations (gas and vapour separation, pressure separation, other membrane processes, chemical reaction)
- Solid–liquid separations
- Fluid flow and multiphase systems (bubble/ drop mechanics, interfaces and capillarity, foams, emulsions and slurries, gas–liquid(–solid) flows, surfactants, fluidization)
- Mixing
- Computer aided process engineering (synthesis and control, modelling and design, optimisation, process system engineering)
- Particulate solids
- Pharmaceutical engineering
- Chemical engineering education
- Symposium on environmental engineering
- Symposium on safety in chemical industry
- Symposium on supercritical fluid applications (sub- and supercritical water; micronization, thermodynamic data and modelling, natural products)
- Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
- Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
- Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
- Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology (biofiltration, bioreactor applications, biotechnology, chemical technology)
- Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
- Commercial and technical impact from EU projects

21st Conference "Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction"
The Conference will be held as a specialised international venue in the framework of CHISA.
- Process Integration for sustainable development
- Process analysis, modelling and optimisation
- Total Site Integration
- Heat transfer and heat exchangers
- Energy saving and clean technologies
- Sustainable processing and production
- Renewable and high efficiency utility systems
- Footprint minimisation and mitigation
- Operations and supply chain management
- Waste minimisation, processing and management
- Batch process analysis and integration
- Process network dynamics, flexibility and control
- Industrial implementation and optimisation
- Numerical fluid flow and heat transfer simulation
- Sustainability and Process Integration teaching, learning and knowledge tools
- SPIL Session Symposium
- Work and Heat Exchanger Networks
- Optimised Gas Turbines, Thermodynamic Systems and Turbomachinery Applications
- P-graph: Development, Applications, and Optimisation
- Green State-of-the-art Technologies for Separation and Drying Processes
- More special Session are encouraged
MARCHES 2018 – the MARket of CHemical Engineering and Services will take place in the premises of the CHISA 2018. Standard exhibition booths of 6 m2 floor area will be available for business negotiations and demonstration purposes. A Catalogue of Exhibitors will be distributed to all Congress participants. An expression of interest in the Exhibition should be sent to upon which more detailed information will be provided.
J. Drahoš (Congress Chairperson, President of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering – CSChE)
P. Klusoň (Congress Vice-Chairperson)
J. Klemeš (PRES President)
P. Stehlík (PRES Vice-President, Vice-President of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering – CSChE)
I. Wichterle (Chairperson of Scientific Committee)
Z. Boháčová (Chairperson of Organizing Committee)
H. Feise (President-Elect of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering – EFCE)
Ch. Seymour (President-Elect of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers – AIChE)
P. Cingr (President of the Association of Chemical Industry CR)
P. Zuna (President of the Engineering Academy CR)
[1] Reaction engineering, catalysis and kinetics
P. Čapek (CZ), P. Forzatti (IT), A. Gavriilidis (UK), J. Hanika (CZ), K.-O. Hinrichsen (DE), L. Kiwi -Minsker (CH), P. Kočí (CZ), J. Kosek (CZ), J. Levec (SI), J. Markos (SK), E.J. Molga (PL), K. Nigam (IN), A.E. Rodrigues (PT), T. Salmi (FI), E. Vyskočilová (CZ)
[2] Distillation and absorption
R.C. Darton (UK), V. Jiřičný (CZ), N. I. Pecherkin (RU), F. Rejl (CZ),
[3] Extraction and leaching
H.J. Bart (DE), M. Carsky (ZA), J. Tříska (CZ)
[4] Membrane separations
M. Bleha (CZ), J.G. Crespo (PT), K. Friess (CZ), P. Izák (CZ), J.J. Jansen (IT), P. Mikulášek (CZ), Š. Schlosser (SK), Yu.P. Yampolskii (RU)
[5] Solid–liquid separations
W. Höflinger (AT), J. Přidal (CZ)
[6] Fluid flow and multiphase systems
J.B. Joshi (IN), M. Růžička (CZ), T. Sanada (JP), A. Soldati (IT), J. Solsvik (NO), P. Stanovský (CZ), C. van der Geld (NL), J. Vejražka (CZ), M. Zedníková (CZ)
[7] Mixing
J. Aubincano (FR), J. Baldyga (PL), P. Ditl (CZ), I. Fořt (CZ), G. Montante (IT)
[8] Computer aided process engineering
D. Bogle (UK), R. Gani (DK), M. Kohout (CZ), A. Kraslawski (FI), M. Kubíček (CZ), Ž. Kurtanjek (HR), T. Vaněk (CZ)
[9] Particulate solids
M. Ghadiri (UK), H. Kalman (IL), A. Kwade (DE), A. Muramatsu (JP), M. Peciar (SK), M. Poletto (IT), A. Ramírez Gómez (ES), F. Saito (JP), N. Števulová (SK), T. Svěrák (CZ), J. Zegzulka (CZ)
[10] Pharmaceutical engineering
Z. Šklubalová (CZ), F. Štěpánek (CZ), P. Zámostný (CZ), J. Zbytovská (CZ)
[11] Chemical engineering education
T. Hahn (DE), M. Jahoda (CZ), M. Pitt (UK), E. Schaer (FR)
[12] Symposium on environmental engineering
A. Irabien (ES), P. Klusoň (CZ), K. Kočí (CZ), P. Mikulášek (CZ), M. Pohořelý (CZ), M. Punčochář (CZ), J. Trögl (CZ), A. Zuorro (IT)
[13] Symposium on safety in chemical industry
F. Babinec (CZ), M. Considine (UK), B. Fabiano (IT), L. Jelemenský (SK), M. Krahulík (CZ), H.J. Pasman (UK), J. Petr (CZ), R.D. Turney (UK)
[14] Symposium on supercritical fluid applications
Z. Knez (SI), M. Sajfrtová (CZ), H. Sovová (CZ)
[15] Symposium on thermodynamics and transport properties
A. Arce (ES), G. Bogdanić (CZ), I. Economou (GR), E. Hendriks (NL), J.-N. Jaubert (FR), G. Kontogeorgis (DK), V.D. Nichita (FR), A. Toikka (RU), I. Wichterle (CZ)
[16] Symposium on novel food processes and technologies
T. Brányik (CZ), Z. Bubník (CZ), L. Čurda (CZ), F. Debaste (BE), A. Hinková (CZ), M. Houška (CZ), P. Nesvadba (UK), E. Šárka (CZ), M. Wojtczak (PL)
[17] Symposium on porous materials, nanostructures and nanocomposites
M. Eic (CA), P. Hudec (SK), M. Huuhtanen (FI), A. Lobnik (SI), B. Louis (FR), O. Šolcová (CZ), K. Soukup (CZ)
[18] Symposium on progress in chemical technology and biotechnology
J. Brožek (CZ), B. Kawalec-Pietrenko (PL), E. Kozliak (US), M. Králik (SK), P. Machač (CZ), J. Mikulec (SK), J. Páca (CZ)
[19] Symposium on process intensification and miniaturisation
G. Akay (UK), C. de Bellefon (FR), R. Dittmeyer (DE), A. Harvey (UK), P. Loeb (DE), M. Marek (CZ), G.B. Marin (BE), R. Pohorecki (PL), A. Stankiewicz (NL), T. Van Gerven (BE)
[20] Commercial and technical impact from EU projects
V. Hessel (DE), K.D. Hungenberg (DE), V. Jiřičný (CZ), W. Leitner (DE), K. Simons (UK), P. Stavárek (CZ).

21st Conference "Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction" – [more info:]
PRES-President: J.J. Klemeš
PRES-Vice-Presidents: J. Drahoš (CZ), F. Friedler (HU), H. L. Lam (MY), D-F. Li (CN), S-Y. Li (CN), Z-Y. Liu (CN), S. Pierucci (IT), P. Seferlis (GR), P. Stehlík (CZ), S. Wan Alwi (MY), X-G. Yuan (CN)
PRES Scientific Secretary: R. Su (CN)
Members: M. Atkins (NZ), K. Aviso (PH), S. Bandyopadhyay (IN), M. Bakošová (SK), J. Bonet Ruiz (ES), C. Bouallou (FR), I. Bulatov (UK), C-L. Chen (TW), C. de Almeida (BR), N. Duić (HR), M. Emtir (LY), Z.-P. Fang (CN), X. Feng (CN), D.C.Y. Foo (MY), A. Friedl (AT), T. Gundersen (NO), M. Gough (UK), S. Harvey (SE), A. Hoadley (AU), D. Huisingh (US), A.-M. Josceanu (RO), V. Kafarov (CO), P. Kapustenko (UA), E. Kenig (DE), J.-K. Kim (KR), Z. Kravanja (SI), D. Kukulka (US), J. Labidi (ES), V. Lavric (RO), C. T. Lee (MY), P. Liu (CN), X. Liu (CN), H. Lund (DK), Z. Manan (MY), F. Manenti (IT), F. Marechal (CH), K. Matsuda (JP), A. Mészáros (SK), I.M. Mujtaba (UK), A. Nemet (SI), Z. Novak Pintarič (SI), N. Ozalp (US), S. Perry (UK), M. Picón-Núñez (MX), A. Pleşu Bonet-Ruiz (RO), Y. Qian (CN), D. Reay (UK), A. Reverberi (IT), L. Savulescu (CA), S. K. Sikdar (US), R. Smith (UK), H.-W. Sun (CN), R.G.R. Tan (PH), K. Urbaniec (PL), S. Voutetakis (GR), M. Walmsley (NZ), Q. Wang (CN), Y. Wang (CN), J. Yan (SE), F. You (US), S. Bt Yusuf (MY)